Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Autumn Soup

On Monday we had the opportunity to make an autumn soup from the vegetables grown in the school garden. The children went out in groups of 6 to help chop up all the veg and prepare the soup. 
In the soup we put: carrots, potatoes, onion, beans, cabbage, pepper, squash, corn, peas and tomatoes. We let the soup cook over lunch time so it was nice and hot. After assembly, we got to try the soup! Some of the children in Skylarks really enjoyed it, others were not so keen. However we all gave it a try to test it out. Well done Skylarks.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Column Calculation

For the past couple of weeks we have been looking at the tricky column calculations in Skylarks! The children have worked really hard and have achieved some brilliant work! I have been really proud of all of them for their determination and trying their best throughout the maths lessons. Well Done Skylarks! 

Roald Dahl

In Skylarks we have been busy learning about Roald Dahls life and some of the books he has written. Last week we looked at the BFG and his dream catching. The children captured their own dream and wrote the adjectives in the jam jar, then their dream underneath. The children had some fantastic dreams!